'Airplanes’ sheet music for piano/vocal/rap/guitar by B.o.B. featuring Hayley Williams from the group Paramore

Buy piano sheet music for 'Airplanes' - piano notes, guitar chords and vocal. This guide will show you where to get suitable sheet music, tabs, chords and complete lyrics for 'Airplanes' as performed by B.o.B and Hayley Williams (Paramore).
Airplanes is taken from the album
B.o.B - The Adventures of Bobby Ray

CAN'T SEE THE MUSIC NOTATION Downloading and Printing the Digital Sheet Music of 'Airplanes' by B.o.B (Bobby Ray Simmons) ft Hayley Williams of Paramore

Important Note: when downloading and printing your music make sure you read all instructions carefully.

Make sure you install the 'musicnotes' reader or software suite so that you can see your music notation clearly.
You can also download the Guitar Guru software for guitar titles. Guitar Guru lets you watch and listen to make learning guitar songs easier. You can change the speed of a song, see the fretboard and follow colour coded left and right hand fingerings.
Try It Now!

NOTE: You can always print out the first page for free as it's always a test page to check that your computer is connected to your printer properly. This test print also shows you the great quality of the printed music you're going to get from your instant digital download.

You can try out this first page to see if it's suitable for your purpose. Check that the key is OK - check to see if you can print it in your chosen key. Usually this is possible.

[With some scores you might need to install Scorch a little application made by Sibelius music software which lets you read and hear the printed music notation of certain scores on your computer]
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Buy The Sheet Music of 'Airplanes' - Singer Pro version
Sheet Music for 'Airplanes' - Singer Pro edition
Piano/Pro Vocal/Chords - complete lyrics

B.o.B ft. hayley Williams from Paramore

available as an
instant digital download from 'music notes'

'Airplanes' Score is in F sharp minor (3 sharps - relative of A major)

Piano/Pro Vocal/Chords 9 pages + Backup Vocals + Complete Lyrics

This sheet music is iPad compatible

*Remember the song is transposable and vocal ranges are given - find the best key for your purpose

Metronome q = 92 Moderately

Time Signature 4/4

Styles: Rap, Hip Hop, Southern Rap, Pop-Rap


Publishing administered by Alfred Music Publishing 2010
Tips and Hints - Airplanes - Bobby Ray Simmons + Hayley Williams (Paramore) melody, notes and sheet
A sample of lyrics taken from 'Airplanes'
Words and Music by Jeremy Dussolliet, Tim Sommers and Bobby Ray Simmons

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars I could'
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more from Bobby Ray - B.o.B - Nothin' On You
